Finding your Creative Connection, #8 Thrift Store

This week’s creativity trigger is an artist date… 

#8 Thrift Store Visit

Thrift stores can be a fun treasure hunt. I find it especially enjoyable when I set a specific intention or goal, like a certain color or theme. I was looking for something for the 4th of July, and as an added challenge I was hoping to find a cute wedge shoe with an open toe in very good condition. Yes I know, very specific. But, it makes my goal very clear cut and my brain zeroes in on just that. It makes it a game, and it is either there or it’s not.

Anything you can turn into a game is a good thing!

Thrift store racks can really be a mixed bag, and sometimes half of what you find should have gone in the dump instead of being resold.  I love going in with a color theme, and my eyes just hone in on those and gloss over everything else. Each item I found that is in the category is a little jolt as I narrowed in on what outfit I wanted to create. I was less than thrilled with what I was finding on the clothing racks but hit the jackpot in accessories! There was a red, white and blue satiny scarf – the perfect accent to any ensemble I decided to wear!!  (purse with scarf tied)

 I felt I had already won the game so I went to check out the shoes. This store has a lot of misfiled sizes so the shoes are really a challenge. Every time I think I found something it was an 8 or a 6! Just as I was about to give up and take my scarf to the register, I found exactly what I was looking for, and hardly worn.  

from my sketchbook

 It was a win win win artist date… fun, satisfying and I did my part to repurpose and reuse clothing and keep it out of landfills.

I recommend the thrift store artist date, and going in with a very specific goal in mind is a fun angle, and you only need about 30 minutes.

 Please let me know if it helps you!  See you next Wednesday.

 Stay creative my friends.


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This blog series is an exploration into staying creatively connected. How to find it, nurture it, and keep it flowing. And, possibly to find it again if it’s been disconnected for years, or decades.