Weekly Inspiration to help you find and stay connected to your creativity.
This week’s creativity trigger is an artist date…
#5 Visit a new to you park
I had to make an unexpected trip to and from school on Friday which is a 45-minute round trip. I decided I needed to build something fun into the trip, so on the way home I stopped at Echo Lake Park, which is lovely and peaceful, and has a lake winding through the middle of it.
It was very quiet there on Friday morning, the first day of clear, non-scary air! The smokiness and terrible air quality from the Canadian wildfires of the days before had almost cleared out and the index was in the 40s… after having #’s above the 400 mark!! Not sure I will ever take my walks for granted again.
I haven’t been there in ages and most times I go to speed walk along the trail for exercise but this time I was intentionally slowing down. But slowing down and then what? I wasn’t sure. I didn’t have a sketchbook or my nature journal (either would have been great) and I was kind of at loose ends.
Not sure what to do except to be there.
To notice, to feel, to just be.
I strolled, I sat, I took some photos – and I took it all in. Breathing slow and deep I was grateful for blue skies, fresh air, the peacefulness, and the multitudes of greens… wow when you really look at trees, bushes, grass and try to differentiate the shades of green, it’s amazing the range that is there. It could be fun to bring a small paint set and see how many different shades, tones, depths of green you can put down on paper. It is such a cool brain exercise. If you like to write, create a list of all the greens/colors you see and stretch yourself to be creative in descriptions or the names. I keep thinking about the bright, lime green color on the surface of the water, that is a bit mucky with our lack of recent rain – but the color is absolutely intriguing.
I also love the path along the water as it winds back and forth – and this photo just makes you wonder… what is around the bend? What will I find if I go explore? I can use this photo reference in my illustrations for Ava Applesawse 2 that I am working on.
I encourage you to go for a stroll and a sit in a park that is not where you would normally go… and really look and notice. Be still and quiet - and absorb your surroundings. You can bring your nature journal, or sketchbook, or try the color matching if you like. See what surfaces, and what inspires you.
Please let me know if it helps you! See you next Tuesday.
Stay creative my friends.
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This blog series is an exploration into staying creatively connected. How to find it, nurture it, and keep it flowing. And, possibly to find it again if it’s been disconnected for years, or decades.
In each weekly post I will share one idea/artist date/activity that I have tried and invite you to give it a try for your own creativity connection. If it’s flowing, there is so much more peace and enjoyment in life.